The Evolution of Biomechanics: Stephen Braybrook. Published by DM Press 2016
subtitle of the book is: Bringing movement theory back to life, and the book
goes on to detail the fundamentals of current biomechanics with respect to
their origins in the various theories of mechanics and mathematics that
underpin mechanics and engineering in general. Throughout the book the author
raises questions about the continuing validity of these historical
understandings of geometry and maths to human movement.
the best way to describe the book is that it seeks to start a conversation
about how we understand human movement. It does this by presenting the past and
present of biomechanics and in so doing points out the flaws in our current
thinking. The author declares his intention
to be:
to evolve the theory of human
movement to a level where it accurately reflects reality so the way we
understand, describe and experience what is happening in the body is in
alignment, allowing us to connect with the physicality of the body rather than
the theory of movement being an abstract, mathematical pattern. (216)
chapter concludes with a "Pit Stop Summary" and a series of questions
for reflection. Of course the questions, while intended to be fairly open and
not designed as an examination of whether you have fully understood the
theories and argument presented, inevitably reflect the authors position that
the fundamental principles upon which much current biomechanical thinking is
based is flawed and needs to change. That's okay, because he might just be
right and a rethink might be what is needed.
Anyone in
sport (I'm an active tennis player and have played rugby and cricket amongst
others for many years) knows that the body doesn't move in simple straight
lines of movement, that it certainly deforms under impact or pressure and is
therefore far from a traditional
"rigid body" when it comes to the mechanics of movement. But do these
simple models assist our understanding or hinder it? Is there a better way to
think about movement? That's a question the book seeks to unpick and a question
that the biomechanics community needs to address.
principle that deeply affects our traditional approach to understanding human
movement is the presumption that we are fundamentally mechanistic. In other
words you can treat the body as a machine, or a series of interconnected
machines. Link this with other things like the principles behind levers and how
they do or do not fit with the mechanism of a joint (a lever can't have a joint
in it in the way the arm has the elbow, so is the arm a lever in the
traditional sense of the word?), and the rigid body, lever based, mechanistic
model for human movement seems to come up quite a long way short of a perfect
fit. But then that's the author's point.
The book
overall is divided into three main sections:
The Past:
section deals with the historic basis for biomechanics, it's roots in Euclidean
geometry, Descartian mathematics, Newton's theories and a few other notaries of
engineering and mathematics history. It is this foundation in history that has
shaped the representation of movement in terms of levers, points, straight
lines and rigid bodies. You don't need to understand all the intricacies of
these various theories and models to get the picture that these models are
limited. The question that remains to be answered through the rest of the book
is how limited are they and are they doing a disservice to our understanding of
how the human body moves.
The Present:
section deals with current thinking in the field of biomechanics. It covers
concepts that are applied to human movement such as degrees of freedom,
kinetics and kinematics and continues to address the authors concerns about the
fit, or lack of it, that human movement has with traditional maths and
The final
chapter introduces the more recent concept of tensegrity. Is this a move in the
right direction, ie away from a mechanical view and towards something new? You
might hope so, but apparently nit because it too is based around Cartesian
coordinates, Newtonian maths and Euclidian geometry. In other words, it's just
a new way of "beating down the same path with outdated ideologies"
The Future:
The last
three chapters make up the final section of the book. This is where we get the
author's perspective on a new way to think about human movement. Here we come
across ideas like holism, complex and non-linear systems, synergistics,
self-organisation and sub-optimisation.
In the
final chapter we get to the heart of the search for a new paradigm for
understanding human movement. Dispensing with maths, the root of the problem as
far as the author is concerned, he looks for a new model. It is his hope:
that by rewriting the theory and
rules of human movement that we can gain a deeper scientific understanding of
the real nature of movement and provide credibility to a whole host of
principles, methods and movement practices. p169
The new
paradigm is christened "biokinesis-ontology", and is broken down as:
the study of living organisms
movement or motion
the philosophical study of the nature of reality.
This is
not to say we must abandon all physical laws as they are currently applied, but
rather to move beyond an understanding of human movement based solely upon
those laws.
downside to the book is that someone needed to proof read it properly. In the
first few pages there are too many errors that make reading the book more of a
challenge than it needs to be. The problem is that these early mistakes mean
that some of the arguments lose their clarity because you end up trying to work
out if there is another grammatical or syntactical error or whether the author
actually meant what was written. Someone with a better grasp of the principles
being discussed and described might well be able to discern and correct minor
errors as they go, but if you are unfamiliar with some of the ideas then you
might just struggle.
The book
wasn't what I was expecting, but then that's not a big problem. I guess I was
looking for something that outlined the development of biomechanics rather than
raising questions concerning the validity of current theories. It was certainly
a challenge to read and stimulating to think about how I think of movement from
a soft tissue therapist's point of view.