Monday, 30 June 2014

Omni Massage Roller

Omni Massage Roller
There are lots of self-help massage products around from foam rollers to spikey balls. There are home-made solutions too from tennis balls taped together to bits of drain pipe used in place of a roller! The latter doesn't bear thinking about for me but some people who like pain seem to enjoy rolling around on them.

As a therapist I know that not everyone wants to spend a lot of money on paying someone to treat them, so knowing about what devices for self-massage are out there and how to get the best out of them seems to be a good idea to me. That way I know what my clients are trying to do and I can advise them appropriately.

The Omni Massage Roller consists of a solid ball that rolls freely inside a cup. There is a hole in the cup through which you can pour massage lotion to aid the glide of the roller. There's a band around the cup for a sound grip.

Because the contact area between the ball and the soft tissue is quite small, it's quite easy to overdo the pressure. Having said that, used well it can be very precise. That it turn suggest to me that you need to know what you're trying to do with it to get the best out of it.

The advantage of the roller over a simple ball is the ease with which you can move it around compared to lying on a tennis ball for example. Of course the downside is that creating pressure can be difficult and even potentially bad for you if you're trying to apply leverage through your arm, shoulder and wrist.

I paid £8.99 for one from FirstAid4Sport, but they are also available from the likes of Amazon.

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